Calivita - apie kompanija - Natūralūs maisto papildai Calivita

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Calivita - apie kompanija

technologija ir natūralus sprendimas
Kokybė, dizainas, 30 metų patirtis, nenutrūkstamas tobulybės siekimas, nuolatinė gamybos plėtra, dėmesys kiekvienai detalei. Rezultatas – efektyvi Calivita maisto papildų linija. Ką tai reiškia tau? Tavo sveikata.
Pasirinkite Calivita produktus iš sąrašo kairėje arba

CaliVita® = Kokybė

Neseniai valdžios institucijos keletą kartų jau atkreipė dėmesį į mitybos papildų neaiškios kilmės ir kokybės pavojų. Taigi, jūs turėtumėte būti dar atsargesniems ir pirkti kilmės iš patikimų šaltinių tik kontroliuojamus produktus.

komanda CalivitaCaliVita® buvo lemiamas veiksnys maisto papildų rinkoje daugiau nei 30 metų. Per šį laikotarpį, abi pramonės ir rinkos sąlygos atlikta keletas pakeitimų, tačiau, nepaisant kiekvieną neigiamą poveikį - arba griežtesnių taisyklių ar gilinti ekonominę krizę - mes niekada sumažinti atgal ant nieko kokybe ne visi, nes mūsų tikėjimas yra tai, kad jūs galite pasilikti ant kojų tik tada, jei jūs siūlote geriausią kokybę. Dėl to, šimtai tūkstančių patenkintų klientų vartoja mūsų produktus kasdien.

What does product quality mean to CaliVita company?

  • If it is technologically possible, we prefer using natural raw materials. In addition, our goal is to apply and utilize plant active ingredients from organic cultivation more and more expansively.

  • In the case of plant extracts, we seek to add their useful substances in as large amounts as possible, that is we prefer those having a high active ingredient ratio.

  • Furthermore, the quality and quantity of components applied in our products absolutely meet the professional and legal regulations, and during our product developments we pay extra attention to the use of organic chemical forms, as they have better absorption.

  • When developing the composition of our formulas, we take extra care to include active ingredients in effective amounts as well as in the case of multi-component formulas, to ensure their synergic coefficiency.

  • kokybiška CalivitaFor us, up-to-date composition means not only meeting the trends, but we really follow the expectations of the consumers also. Every development is preceded by a thorough scientific background study in order to offer you a really effective product you will be satisfied with in the long run, either as a consumer or a member of the network.

  • The manufacturing of our products takes place according to the stringent quality guidelines and quality control of cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice). Moreover, continuous control and periodic, regular inspection by FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) are also guaranteed.

  • In addition to the above, the licensing of CaliVita® products depends on inspections in many countries. What is more, we place great emphasis on quality control in our European center as well.

  • We are open to the ideas, observations and demands of our customers and members, so we can increase the success of our company together.

Source: Calivita site

Calivita International

Calivita is a global leader in health promotion and rapidly growing international corporation engaged in the production and distribution of food supplements. Taking them in modern times is an integral part of modern life. If we want to counter the adverse effect of the environment, prevent lifestyle diseases and stay healthy, we should reach for supplements every day.

Calivita International Offer includes more than 100 different formulas available in the global network, which were designed for the individual needs of contemporary man, using the most current advances in medical science. A wide range of products includes: mono preparations, and kits containing vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, antioxidants and many other active substances.


All products are manufactured based on pharmaceutical grade natural ingredients and in pharmaceutical factories. They are manufactured in the United States, by reputable manufacturers of food supplements under the supervision of the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration). FDA Certificate is a guarantee of health preparations security. The production of supplements, from raw materials of natural origin, is held in accordance with the standards of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), which allows for them to obtain standards of the highest quality products. In the production of certain preparations containing high doses of active substance applied technologies of prolonged action - "timed release". It provides a more effective and permanent component level in the body, even by 10 to 18 hours. Minerals contained in Calivita products are in chelated form, which ensures maximum utilization by the body.
CaliVita in the United States - Farmington

Calivita headquarters around the world

CaliVita ® International Headquarters: in the United States (Farmington) on the right side

Office in Western Europe (Rotterdam) and the down right panel CaliVita ® International office for Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest)

Calivita in Western Europe - Rotterdam Calivita in Eastern Europe - Budapest

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cGMP Certified logo
FDA logo
Organic logo
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