ParaProteX – Pagalba prieš įsibrovėlius
Parazitai - kirminų, bakterijų, grybelių, virusų - yra nuolat dalyvauja mūsų aplinkai. Kai kurie iš jų yra naudingos (pvz bakterijos), o kiti gali būti kenksmingas mūsų organizmui. Jie gali eiti nepastebėti ilgą laiką ir iki to laiko, matome nieko, jau yra problema. ParaProteX gali pasiūlyti efektyvią pagalbą nuo parazitų, kurie sukelia daug nepatogumų seriją.
ParaProteX - organizmo valymas nuo virusų, bakterijų, grybelių ir parazitų
Body detox
Why is it worth supporting the cleansing (detox) of the body
Plant active ingredients supporting the cleansing of the body
Myrrh is the resin of a Middle Eastern shrub Commifora myrrha. It has been used since ancient times as a tonic to improve the circulation, and was thought to beneficially affect the liver and spleen. In modern pharmacology, myrrh is most often used in mouthwashes and toothpaste for its antiseptic properties.
It is an extremely powerful antiseptic agent; however it does not damage the environment. And unbelievably, it is mild on friendly intestinal bacteria.
How do the active ingredients of ParaProteX work?
- are the body's natural defense against external threats (Pau D'Arco bark extract)
- play an important role in the proper functioning of organs responsible, among others, for detoxification, such as the liver (garlic), kidneys (Pau D'Arco bark extract)
- strengthen the body's defenses (garlic)
- help to maintain the proper microbiological balance in the intestines (garlic, grapefruit seed extract)
- have a positive effect on the proper functioning of the digestive system (barberry extract, clove root oil)
- support the secretion of digestive enzymes (barberry extract)
- take care of the respiratory system (garlic)
- have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system (garlic) and blood vessels (Pau D'Arco bark extract)
- protect cells and tissues against damage caused by oxidation (Pau D'Arco bark extract)
Who do we recommend Paraprotex to?
- During body cleansing.
- People who want to cleanse the digestive tract and support its functioning.
- In order to maintain the proper microbiological balance of the body.
- People who want to be immune.
- People who eat irrationals.
food supplement Calivita: ParaProteX
ParaProteX active ingredients
Wormseed Powder 100 mg
Myrrh Gum 50 mg
Pau D'Arco extract (4:1) 50 mg
Barberry extract (std. 6% alkaloids) 50 mg
Clove oil 50 mg
Walnut oil 37.5 mg
Black Walnut powder 37.5 mg
Grapefruit Seed Extract 25 mg
Garlic powder 12.5 mg
- You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement.
- This product is intended for adults only, and should not be taken during pregnancy or nursing. Herbs are not a substitute for proper medical treatment.
- In case of health problems related to parasites, visit your doctor immediately! Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
- Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet. Keep out of reach of young children.
Keywords: ParaProteX, Calivita, purification, resistance, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, skin lesions, eczema, parasites, necrosis, fights bacteria, viruses, fungi.
food supplement against parasites
ParaProteX is a natural protective preparation designed to provide effective help against parasites that cause a number of ailments. Parasites - worms, bacteria, fungi, viruses are constantly present in our environment. Some of them are beneficial (such as bacteria), while others may be harmful to our body. They can go unnoticed for a long time, but before we know it, they can cause health problems. Especially today, when we rarely think about the consequences of the intense pace of our lives, in which it is difficult to get regular, healthy meals. An unhealthy lifestyle puts a lot of strain on our digestive tract, which in addition to digestive functions plays an extremely important role as part of our immune system. After all, the digestive system is the body's first line of defense, which daily comes into contact with a huge number of various external threats and harmful factors, including microbiological ones. Such imbalances can cause many ailments ...
Natural ingredients
There are several aromatic herbs, oils, and fruits in nature that have shown immune-boosting properties. These substances can be of great help in protecting the body against unwanted parasites. That is why ParaProteX contains a plant with a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.- Hard-to-heal skin lesions,
- The parasites, destroys the bacteria causing wound infections: Staphylococcus (purulent boils)
- Streptococci (measles, tonsillitis)
- Necrotizing place (gout, diabetes)
- Microorganisms that cause infections of genito - urinary,
- Destroys parasites, gastrointestinal tract (gut and liver and Helicobakter, dysentery, cholera)
- Bacteria and fungi, giardia, worms, tapeworm and other
- Eliminates many varieties of virus (300) and fungi (100).
Disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action
Paraprotex for immunity
ParaProteX combines the power of natural vitamins and minerals with antiseptic plant ingredients. Their combined action promotes cleansing, thus improving the body's resistance to unwanted intruders. It is a very helpful product for the whole family and your relatives looking for a suitable remedy. ParaProteX is your first step to health! It has a beneficial effect on the body by naturally stimulating the immune system. ParaProteX restores balance at the intestinal level, restores homeostasis throughout the body, which results in an improvement in the overall condition and immunity of the body.Which Calivita products to use with ParaProtex
It is worth ensuring that Paraprotex is always present in the home first aid kit, especially during long journeys to exotic countries. It is an excellent help during cleansing treatments. The recommended supplements for this product are in particular: Ac-Zymes and NopalinParaProteX – Help against intruders
The launch of our formula ParaProteX on the market was preceded by lengthy research, and it is not by chance that since its development it has steadily been one of the most successful products of our company.
By creating ParaProteX, our unconcealed aim was to help the protection of our body against those parasites we may come into contact with on a daily basis.
Among its active ingredients there are such well-known components like grapefruit seed oil, garlic, walnut, clove, while we also added such useful herbs, which have been used in traditional medicine successfully thousands of years long, for example Rangoon creeper, myrrh, barberry as well as pau d’arco.
Let us briefly look at how these ingredients individually contribute to the success of our formula.
Rangoon creeper is a plant indigenous to India, which is used in traditional medicine particularly in viral seasons, while they also make healing paste out of its leaves.
Try our product ParaProteX as soon as possible, and you will see that our dietary supplement will become a constant part of your home remedy treatment.
Taking the formula can be no substitute for medical examinations and consultation. If you notice the presence of intestinal worms or other parasites, seek medical advice immediately.
Optimal path of life with ParaProteX
It ruled the world of parasites?
What are parasites?
How the parasites enter the body?
Parasites can be expelled!
ParaProteX composition and role
- Rangoon Creeper - it is beneficial for diarrhea and fever and destroys parasites.
- Wormseed helps eject all, especially children's worms.
- Barberry was known in ancient Egypt for treatment of fever and dysentery. It is a natural antibiotic and prevents infection.
- Myrrh resin - contains plenty of vitamins and minerals and has antibiotic and antiseptic effect
- Clove oil relaxes the muscles of the intestine and an anti-microbial and anti-fungal.
- Pau d'Arco (Tahibo) prevent and treat viral fungal and parasitic infections.
- Black walnut effect on diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, ejected parasites and worms from the body.
- The seeds of grapefruit preserve normal intestinal flora and has an antiseptic effect on skin infections, nails, nose and throat.
- Garlic has antibiotic properties and stimulates the immune system.